


Built backend services for user authentication, verification, home page feed, using Nodejs and MongoDB for a community platform IOS application to serve people working in personalization industry.

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Pioneered an interactive web-first platform for peer-to-peer referrals sharing, networking and roommate finder. Responsibility includes development and end-to-end integration of housing and users sub system.

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Tetris Game (Reinforcement Learning)

Engineered​ an online multiplayer Tetris game employing for real-time communications between players, along with a reinforcement learning agent to decide turns between players.

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Icaros Lab Webiste

Website for Lab to keep track of research papers publications, researchers, and latest news related to ICAROS

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Quiz Game (FTRL Algorithm)

Realtime multiplayer quiz for research study to test algorithm which assigns task(questions) based on contextual knowledge estimating it using reinforcement learning

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Assembling Shelf

On going study to help understand human patterns in assembling task and then able to predict next moves

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